Monday 13 August 2012


                         Soniya Chacko
       Nasik, Maharashtra, India

“Touching hearts and spreading smiles since 1937… We radiate ourselves bringing smiles on the face of every Indian”
                                                         -Indian Overseas Bank
Whenever I go to Indian Overseas Bank, I read this caption there. Every time I read, a smile blossoms on my face and I can feel the beauty of every word of the caption. It makes me think that if a bank which has started for the transaction of money has so much of service to offer to its customers, how much more service minded I, a bearer of the title “DAUGHTER OF CHARITY”, should be!
Even though, I realize I cannot bring a total change in the society, I know my smile can do a lot; it can touch the hearts and bring smiles on the face of everyone with whom I come in contact.
Yes, dear friends, let us also borrow this caption “Touching Hearts Spreading Smiles since 1617 (From the beginning of the Confraternity of Charity). We radiate ourselves bringing smiles on the face of every one.”
“Remember….smile! And the world smiles with you…”

The world of children is more colourful, powerful and full of dreams because they are at the blossom of their life. They are just beginning to experience the beauty of this cosmos, like the butterflies which are just beginning to fly to a new world of colours, flowers and honey.
Children are the heritage of every nation because they are the future of tomorrow. They are precious and valuable because their whole life is ahead of them to serve the nation. They have a beautiful world to see, to hear and to experience. Unfortunately due to starvation, selfishness, greediness, abuse, extreme passion, increased urbanization, access to sexual information and activities through internet and visual media and the disappearing of value based relationship, they are being exploited. With wounded hearts, minds and body they have lost their wings at their nonage. Let us look at the various areas where children, the little “butterflies” are made wingless.
            1. Child labour
            2. Homeless children
            3. Sexual assault
            4. Child marriage
            5. Children fighters
            6. Killing of girl children and female feticide
            7. Criminal children
            8. Child prostitutes
            9. Children with incurable disease.
1. Little Labourers

Child labor is exploitation of the week and the helpless. It is resorted to as it is cheap and trouble free – children do not have any union; they can be beaten into submission; they can be forced to do the unpleasant task and dirty jobs adults will not do; they can be terminated when they are sick or no longer of economic value; they need not be given any housing; they sleep on the work floor when the day’s  work is over etc. Children are a resource for those who are below poverty line.
About 160 million[1]children are globally involved in child labour of which 41% are in Asia alone. In India 73 million children are involved in child labour which is highest for any country. These children are put to work in ways that drain their childhood of joy, crush their right to normal physical and mental development, and deprive them of their precious time for education. Children are involved in these works:
·        House hold work
·        in companies like Beedi, paper, match box etc
·        building works
·        hotels
·        in factories
·        quarries
·        and other economic activities
There are manifold reasons behind the huge number of child laborers across the world. Poverty and illiteracy are the main reasons behind the increasing number. Generally poor parents encourage their children to earn money by working instead of sending them to school. At the same time rich people and owners never think about the health and freedom of these poorchildren.
2. The Son of Man Has No Room to Lay His Head

The Lord has entrusted man this earth with full of things in order to use them for his survival. But even today our little brothers and sisters wander because they have no place to lay down their head. In countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, India, Congo etc children are dying due to malnutrition, hunger and disease. And in Chechnya thousands of children are homeless. The continuous war and violence in Iraq and Palestine territories causes many assassinations of children. Thousands of children are wandering in the streets begging.
3. Sexual Assault

The promulgation of “the protection of children from sexual offences Act 2011” in India is a strong step against sexual assault in our country[2]. Child abuse is a grave crime that cannot be condemned or ignored because it affects every child’s growth into a wholesome person. This violation is taking place in homes, schools, streets, working places, refugees’ camps in peace times and in times of conflicts and crisis. The children who are the victims of sexual assault carry the painful impact in them for the rest of the years. It happens not only in Somalia and Sudan but also in our country.
4. Child Marriage

In many of the African and Asian countries child marriages are common. Many times it is placed upon female virginity. In some cases of child marriage, both are children while in some other cases, the marriage takes place between a grown up and a child. This issue is very common in Gujarat.
5. Children Fighters

Another tragedy is that in Sudan, Congo, Somalia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc children are being recruited to serve as fighters. It is really a tragedy that happens to the lives of these little children. They are recruited from the Islamic schools.  They grow up playing with guns and knives instead of toys. From their tender age onwards their minds are with the thoughts of Zealots and terrorism. Another tragedy is the kidnapping of children especially in Uganda.
6. Killing of Girl Children and Female Feticide

“What is the future of this child”?  This question arises in the mind of most of the parents in India when they come to know that the child is a GIRL.  Dowry system even if it has been prohibited by law it has not yet been stopped even by the most educated people. Dowry is the main cause for killing the girl child. In Rajasthan they are finding new methods to get rid of girl children.[3]
7. Criminal Children

Increasing crimes and decreasing values in our society is the “parents” of criminal children. It is also the effect of “the sick hurry and divided aims” of the modern society. Working parents, broken families, divorces, negative influence of the media etc also contribute to the growth of criminal children. The children who are born in prison are also adversely affected.
8. Child Prostitute

Globalization has given birth to “new victims” (e.g. trafficking, child prostitutes, HIV/AIDS victims). So many East Asian children are trafficked from the countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, and India etc and are sold to some gulf countries. Lakhs of Nepal girls are sold in Indian ‘red streets’ because they are good looking. Children are even kept to act as an agent between brothels and the prostitutes.
9. Children with Incurable Diseases

In the beginning of eighties AIDS was anew to the world. Thirty years later, today it is spread everywhere like wild fire. Due to prostitution, drug usage (street children), mother to child transmission etc. it has spread far and wide. Thousands of children have become orphans due to the death of their parents with AIDS. Millions of children are awaiting death like buds which are cut off even before it blossoms.
The children who are born in Nagasakia and Hiroshima even today are living witnesses of the nuclear bomb. The children of Chernobyl and Bhopal are also being born with defects.

As Vincentians let us look at these issues with pro-active roles and rise up as a major alley in the process of protecting our little children with a
Ø new way of seeing
Ø new way of relating
Ø new way of being present
Ø new way of doing     
Jesus who was born in a manger is disfigured himself in these children. He had no place to be born, he had no dress to prevent the cold, and He had to travel like a refugee. And we are called to touch and heal the Lords’ wounds.
How Can We?
It is our turn right now to bring ‘systemic change’ in our society by networking with the Vincentian family with non-government organizations within and outside the countries, with persons/groups of other faith. It entails organizing the poor as groups and communities so that they can address their poverty through solutions that are long term. Organize child line through which the people can inform us about any issues of children. Let us go a little further ahead from our daily routines.
Children have no way to resist, no voice, no power. Time is up for each one of us to rise for it is our turn to become prophets of our time,  to become voice of the voiceless, to bring alive Vincent and Louise through our way of seeing, relating, being present, and doing.
Let us remember the children who are deprived of the sweet memories of their childhood… who are born to work in their tender age… who keeps their sweet dreams and unfulfilled desires within their wounded hearts… who extend their “Life” just to satisfy their hunger. “When our laws become like cobwebs which may catch small flies but let wasps and hornets through”,[5] when the life of animals are important than human (e.g. Save Tiger plan, increasing the love for pets, worship of some animals), let us not allow our children to become like silk worms (the silk worm dies of its wealth) because it is their time to be like the butterflies. Arise! “The night is far gone…Let us then lay aside the works of darkness and put on the armor of light”. Today it is our turn…..[6] to bring DAWN OUT OF DARKNESS.  Always remember, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!”

[1] Prison voice( 2008 June)
[2] Indian currents ( June 2012)
[3] Indian currents(25 June 2012)
[4] Of roots and wings, witnessing to consecrated life in Asia by Sr. Julma Neo,DC (page365)
[5] Jonathan swift
[6] Romans 13:12a-13a